Verfügbare Kurse(Doppelklicken um alle zu markieren)

Historischer Spieleabend

Philips CD-i

Do, 27.02.2025 18:00 im GIL


Historischer Spieleabend im GIL

Nächster Termin

Vergangene Themen

Do, 21.11.2024 18:00

Strategy Games 403 (Simulations):Themepark-Spiele

Moderator*in: Tom


Do, 01.02.2024 19:00

Games Industry 216 (VIPs):Peter Molyneux (RERUN) 🕊️

Moderator*in: Daniel

Required reading: Curiosity - What's inside the cube - Universal - HD Gameplay Trailer (TouchGameplay, 2012)


Fr, 09.06.2023 19:00

Games Industry 214 (VIPs):Tim Schafer (RERUN)

Moderator*in: Gregor

Required reading: Double Fine PsychOdyssey (Paul Owens, 2023) Cookie Monster chews over a new video game idea (Warner Bros. Games, 2011) Tim Schafer Breaks Down 20 Years of Double Fine Games (Noclip, 2020)


Do, 13.10.2022 19:00

Role-Playing Games 209 (Eastern RPGs):Kingdom Hearts

Moderator*in: Tina


Do, 15.09.2022 19:00

Miscellaneous 104 (Licensed Stuff):The Lord of the Rings

Moderator*in: Gregor


Mi, 17.08.2022 19:00

Role-Playing Games 108 (Western RPGs):Open-World Dungeon Crawlers (RERUN)

Moderator*in: Daniel

Required reading: The Bard's Tale: Spells (, 2019) The Bard's Tale: Map of Skara Brae (, 2019) Daggerfall: Skills (, 2019)


Do, 07.07.2022 19:00

Miscellaneous 105 (Licensed Stuff):Star Wars

Moderator*in: MICHAEL!


Do, 14.10.2021 19:00

Action-Adventure Games 109 (Miscellaneous):Weird Spaces

Moderator*in: Kadda

Required reading: Non-Euclidean geometry and games (Zeno Rogue, 2019) Could we visualize the geometries themselves? (Zeno Rogue, 2020) Not Knot (Danny, 2015)


Do, 02.09.2021 19:00

Miscellaneous 301 (Terrible Stuff):The Worst Games of All Time

Required reading: List of video games notable for negative reception (Wikipedia, 2019)


Mi, 30.12.2020 19:00

Games Industry 209 (VIPs):Tim Schafer

Required reading: Cookie Monster chews over a new video game idea (Warner Bros. Games, 2011) Tim Schafer Breaks Down 20 Years of Double Fine Games (Noclip, 2020)


Do, 13.02.2020 19:00

Miscellaneous 204 (Artsy Stuff):Classic Flash Games

Required reading: Snake in Buffering YouTube Videos (hpatel99k, 2012)


Do, 10.10.2019 19:00

Role-Playing Games 103 (Western RPGs):Open-World Dungeon Crawlers

Required reading: The Bard's Tale: Spells (, 2019) The Bard's Tale: Map of Skara Brae (, 2019) Daggerfall: Skills (, 2019)


Do, 12.09.2019 19:00

Action-Adventure Games 102 (Miscellaneous):Tomb Raider

Moderator*in: Stefan

Required reading: Tomb Raider Analysed on PS1/Saturn/DOS/Win95 (Digital Foundry, 2016)

Potentielle Themen

Strategy Games 107 (Miscellaneous):Yu-Gi-Oh!


Unfertige Themen

Noch nicht einsortierte Spiele

Historische Sockenkiste

JRPG Sockenkiste

90 Sidescrollers Sockenkiste